Quick Friday Recap

2009 August 14
by Stupid Ranger

Here it is, the end of Day 2 at GenCon, and oh so much has happened!

This morning dawned entirely too early after a really fun night of Zombie Murder Mystery, courtesy of Yax and graciously hosted by Avatar Art.  Turns out, I’m very good at being the secret, evil Necromancer… who knew?

I did compete again this year in the Queen of Geeks pageant, and while I did not take the crown, I did win the audience-awarded Miss Congeniality.  Thanks to everyone who gave me points; it was nice to have a great cheering section!

E and I held our Women of RPG Blogging panel this afternoon, and while there were less than 10 people in attendance, there were more than the three I half expected.  The session was recorded for Pulp Gamer, so if you missed it, you can catch the podcast from them.

We spent some time on the sales floor this afternoon, where we got a chance to chat with Shelly Mazzanoble and Ed Greenwood.  As you can imagine, it was a very lighthearted, somewhat zany chat, but absolutely fun.  We also got the chance to interview Andy Collins and Bill Slavicsek from Wizards, which was an incredible experience and will be shared in detail later this week.

Tomorrow, we have a very full, fun day planned, and if we get a chance to recap, we certainly will.  Otherwise, you’ll hear about it when we return and after we recouperate!

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