And Now It’s Time to Say Farewell

2009 August 16
by Stupid Ranger

Dante & I are currently waiting at the airport to board the plane that will take us away from Indy and its GenCon-goodness.  It’s always a sad time of year… that day when you are farthest away from being at GenCon again, but we will make it.

Today, we had our Out of the Box Roleplaying event, and it was a ton of fun!  Great roleplaying from our panelists, great audience participation, and tons of crazy.  I’ll have some pictures up on Flickr this week (probably tomorrow).  Thanks to everyone who stopped by and participated this morning… we had a great time, and we hope you did too!

Hope everyone has a safe trip back, and we’ll see you again next year!

One Response leave one →
  1. August 16, 2009

    It was good finally meet your crew there at I’ll have to see if it’s in the cards for me next year. If I can, I might try to bring the wife next year. Of course money is going to play into that of course.

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