Guess what I’ve got!

2009 March 4
by Dante

As I speak, word is starting to hit the RPGBlogosphere about a small number of preview copies of the Players Handbook 2. I am pleased that one of these copies rests securely on my coffee table as I type this.

Starting March 13th, the Stupid Ranger crew will take part in a week-long event to cover the release of this great new gaming supplement. We are going to take some liberties with our campaign so we can playtest several aspects of the PHB2 prior to the release event and pass our learnin’ on to you!

I know I am not alone when I say that I am thrilled to be a small part of this release. I can tell you that I’m very excited about what I have read so far!

I know most of you are going to want to buy a copy of this for yourselves, but if you’ve got a few burning questions we’ll do what we can to answer them as part of our special release event. Stay tuned for more information starting next week!

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