Guide to Decorating Your New Dungeon

2009 February 4
by Stupid Ranger

Congratulations on your recent acquisition!  You have a wonderful new dungeon, ready to fill with all your nefarious traps and your troves of treasure, or to keep as place to escape the pressures of the world and all those pesky adventurers.

Before opening (or locking) the doors of your dungeon, we recommend that you finish the interior design.  The stone walls, floors and ceilings original to your dungeon will do a lot to create that cozy atmosphere, but you may want to also consider these accessories:
1. Portcullises — There will be rooms that not everyone needs to be in, but it would be nice for them to see the architecture.  A portcullis is an attractive alternative to a wooden door.
2. Sculptures & Tapestries — Add some art to keep your dungeon from feeling uncultured.  Sculptures are a great way to add a touch of class.  But why pay a lot of money for some measy art?  Shop the factory seconds.  They may have some dings, scratches, cracks or missing appendages, but those imperfections can adda lot of character!  Of course, you should probably have a little variety, and some threadbare tapestries can be a great complement to your sculpture seconds.  Don’t go overboard, though, because you don’t want to hide all those great stone walls behind cloth.
3. Dead Ends — A must-have to help deter those annoying adventurers, dead ends will create a level of confusion and frustration that will demoralize most of your uninvited guests.  Plus, they create great places to put some of those sculptures!
4. Ever-lit, smokeless torches — You will want your visitors – welcomed or otherwise – to be able to appreciate the architecture of your dungeon and all your great design choices; it’s the new standard for dungeons to be lit, but regular torches won’t do for illuminating your dungeon.  You don’t want to constantly be relighting torches, and you don’t need smoke getting in your eyes if you need to defend your treasure from adventurers.  Spring for ever-lit, smokeless torches; you won’t regret it.
Your new dungeon will provide you with many, many years of dungeon-y happiness, especially if you take a little time to add a few personal touches.
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