Sharing some "Getting Started" Advice
2008 May 14
Over the past couple of weeks, the D&D Nerd has posted some great articles on D&D for Beginners. Regardless of whether you are introducing new players to 3.5 or waiting for 4E, these are some great articles to help explain the fundamentals and get new players into the game.
I encourage you to check out these articles if you are new to the game, or share them with someone who is.
D&D for Beginnings – Roleplaying 101
D&D for Beginners – Understanding Dice Notation
D&D for Beginners – Player vs. Character Knowledge
Beginner’s Guide to Creating a D&D Character
Wow, so this is why I’m getting so many hits through you! Thanks! =D
I hope my articles that I’ve written for beginners are helping them get more into D&D. ^_^