Three Tips: How to Fall in Love with GMing again!

2008 January 17
by Dante

We were contacted this week by Johnn Four from to contribute to this month’s newsletter. We are joined by various other excellent DMing resources, and I think I speak for the rest of the SR Crew to say we were honored to be in such good company.

Johnn asked us for three tips on how to fall in love with GMing again, and luckily we are blessed with three authors so we each decided to go with a “quick tip” format! Enjoy!

  • Dante says: Let someone else do it! By letting a new GM flex their muscles you might find yourself getting inspired to go in a different direction and get back in the saddle!
  • Vanir says: If the spice is gone from your game, try some new spices. If you’re always hack and slash, do more storytelling and roleplay. If you’re always playing fantasy, try some sci-fi for a week or two. Get with your players and see if anyone has anything they’d like to try but were afraid to ask.

  • Stupid Ranger says: Get excited about the game! Whether you’re the PC or the GM, you need to be excited about it if you’re going to really have fun.

You can use our tips if you like but in reality you simply have to identify what it is about the gaming experience that is fun for you and really focus on that and find new ways to make that element of your campaign shine.

Your motivation is what you make of it!

3 Responses leave one →
  1. ChattyDM permalink
    January 18, 2008

    Good tips….

    How is it that I can’t manage to write short ones like you do guys… 🙂

  2. Vanir permalink
    January 18, 2008

    Well, if you could then you’d be Phil the Succinct DM. 🙂

  3. ChattyDM permalink
    January 18, 2008


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